2201 Long Prairie Road Suite 107-183 Flower Mound, TX 75022

News and Information

Bringing People, Numbers, and Technology Together

Focus on what matters

Developing Accounting Best Practices

Developing best practices for your business is key to improving your business performance. We think that there are some simple steps that will get you on track for taking your business to the next level. In this article, we will discuss six steps to improve your business. One thing that business owners and entrepreneurs have…
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team putting the pieces together

Is a Consultant Right for Me?

As business owners, we understand the numerous tasks and decisions encountered on a daily basis. I cannot tell you how many times we have seen the best intentions buried by the daily responsibilities of running a business. As businesses grow, change, and deal with staffing challenges they can often lose sight of optimized ways of…
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Using Insight to help your business lead to Change

Managing Our Resources

What We Are Given Recently, our pastor gave a sermon where he talked about “the good life.” As a part of this sermon, he discussed how we all have been given three resources: Time, Opportunity, and Money. And it is up to us to determine how we will utilize those resources. How we are managing…
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I Know I Sent That Outlook Email…

If you are a Microsoft Outlook user, you might have run into the issue of email’s not being sent after you have composed and exited the Outlook application. By default, Outlook will not verify that all emails have been sent (to the server) prior to closing. Not only can this be frustrating, but it can…
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QuickBooks Online Expense Claims

How To Easily Allow Your Team to Track their Expenses in QuickBooks Online Recently, Intuit introduced the QuickBooks Expense Claims feature for QuickBooks Online (QBO) Advanced users. This is a great feature to enable employees to be responsible for their expenses. Using this feature from your smartphone allows receipts to be scanned and noted immediately…
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Accounnting and Bookkeeping

Financial Success: Accounting and Bookkeeping

Keeping track of business accounting and key financial indicators is important to the success of any business. We offer a wide range of accounting and bookkeeping services for our clients. Let’s review how we might help to manage the daily tasks of delivering accurate financial information in a dependable and timely basis. Additionally, there can…
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What Do Your Remote Workers Need to Succeed?

Whether your people work in the office, at home, or on the road, they need the ability to be productive. What’s different when your team works remotely? You have more locations to manage. Instead of just one office, your “technology environment” is wherever your employees happen to be. That may require a shift in how…
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Calculator and pen on top of financial statements

Your Success is Our Success

Who We Are Our primary focus is working with our clients to help them succeed. While not always easy, we have a simple process to help introduce business owners to a better model for success. Our founders, Lisa and David, have extensive expertise associated with starting, owning, managing, supporting, and growing a business. In addition…
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Data Backups

As a business owner, you depend on your data. In fact, you probably couldn’t operate a single day without it. But this could mean trouble if you faced an unexpected everyday calamity. Business owners back up their data a variety of ways―to local servers or appliances, drives, or USB, or to the cloud. But not…
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